
Mindrolling college reciting 84000 scriptures of Buddha’s teachings.

4th birthday of Mindrolling Dungsay Jurme Rinchen Namgyal Rinpoche

Today is a very auspicious day for the devotees of Mindrolling lineage of Vajrayana Buddhism. It is the 4th birthday of Mindrolling Dungsay Jurme Rinchen Namgyal Rinpoche, son of present throne holder, His Holiness Mindrolling Trichen Rinpoche in Tibet. This year we were fortunate and blessed with the presence of H.E. Khochhim Rinpoche, Dagpo Rinpoche, Penam Tulku Rinpoche, Dorje Bhum Rinpoche, Trulshig Yangse Rinpoche and along with many Tulkus and Khenpos to celebrate this special occasion. Today all Mindrolling followers around the world celebrated this auspicious day. We wish Dungsay Rinpoche long life, good health, success in his studies and advanced in his understanding the pure Buddha dharma.

Annually Exam Reports

As annually, Rinpoche gave out exam reports to all the monk students studing in Primary school and the college in Mindrolling.

Long-Life Puja to Rinpoche

The Mindrolling Sangha here in India and from different countries came together to offer the long-life Puja to Rinpoche. The 3 days puja was presided by H.E. Khochhim Rinpoche. The long-life puja is an elaborate display of devotion towards a spiritual Master/Teacher comprising heartfelt prayers and praises, and a procession of symbolic offerings.

On the 15th February 2023

H.E. Minling Khenchen Rinpoche returned back to monastery after his hospitalization in New Delhi. Rinpoche was welcomed by the sangha and by devotes from different countries who had come to celebrate the Tibetan New Year.