The First Day of 28th Annual Ngagyur Nyingma Monlam

The First Day of 28th Annual Ngagyur Nyingma Monlam. First session of first day. 28th annual Ngagyur Nyingma Monlam. Attendent by thousands of monks and nuns presided by Their Eminences, Minling Khenchen Rinpoche, Jangkhang Khentul Rinpoche, Dzongnang Yangsi Rinpoche, Kathok Getsi Rinpoche and many other venorables Khenpos and tulkus. The day began with recitation of Tri- Ratna Anus Mriti Sutra inside led by many rinpoches together. His Eminence Kyabjey Minling Khenchen Rinpoche presides over the flok of sangha in the southern side of stupa as always.