Speech delivered by Chairman of NNC, Ven. Khenpo Karma Thrinly during the Inauguration of New Shrine hall cum Library

We are all gathered here solely because of our faith and devotion towards Buddha and to his marvellous teaching. The main objective of college is to educate students with the teachings of Sutra and Tantra and ways to put them into practice. Moreover, to fulfil the aims and views of His Eminence Minlling Khenchen Rinpoche, from simple way of living to positive thinking and emphasis on developing good and compassionate heart and particularly looking more ways to propagate Buddha’s teaching to help appease this turbulent world. His Eminence MinllingKhenchen Rinpoche has, therefore, taken up great responsibility with intense hardship to bring this into reality and many devoted sponsors has supported him wholeheartedly.

Today you all witness the completion of NgagyurNyingma College’s new Shrine Hall and library with necessary facilities. With great determination and hardship, Rinpoche has managed to complete it in couple of years. Since from 1988 April 26th, NgagyurNyingma college has given 700 Buddhist students, 200 graduates and 43 khanpos. At present most of the khenpos and graduates are giving their teaching service in the different monasteries in different parts of Bhutan, Nepal and India as required. This year alone,our Teachers and Khenpos are serving in 24 different Monasteries beyond the borders. And looking into future how best we can benefit all sentient beings through our little ways.

Finally I conclude by thanking His Eminence MinllingKhenchen Rinpoche for his tremendous effort and all the sponsors for their dedicated support.

Thank you