Ngagyur Nyingma College Celebrates Guru’s Birth Day

Amidst the busy schedule of annual examinition going on, the Khenpos, lopons and students of NNC celebrated the birth day of His Eminence Minlling Khenchen Rinpoche in simple and profound way. during the gathering at 9PM in lawn, verse of auspicious prayers were said and long live prayers for Rinpoche. Cake was cut by Chairman of College, Khenpo Thunten Tharchen. Sweet Tibetan tea served for the all the Sangha Gathered.

“Particularly in the Secret Mantra Vehicle, the teacher is the main refuge: his body is the Sangha, his speech the Dharma and his mind the Buddha. Recognize him, therefore, as the quintessential union of the Three Jewels and see all his actions as perfect. Follow him with absolute trust and try to pray to him all the time. Remember that to displease him with anything you do, say or think is to renounce the entire refuge, so put all your determination and effort into trying to please him all the time. No matter what happens to you, be it pleasant or unpleasant, good or bad, sickness or suffering, entrust yourself entirely to the Jewel of the teacher.”

—From words of my perfect teacher…