His Eminence Minlling Khenchen Rinpoche Graced Taiwan Ngagyur Nyingma Monlam

The Taiwan Ngagyur Nyingma Monlam Ceremony which was held on 18thAugust 2018. His Eminence 9th Minlling Khenchen Rinpoche along with 7thsuprem head of Ngagyur Nyingmapa, His Holiness Kathok Getse Rinpoche and His Eminence Muksang Kuchen Rinpoche graced the prayer along with hundreds of Sangha and thousands of devotees.

The prayer is conducted for the peace and prosperity of people at Taiwan and for the whole sentient beings as the main practice of Buddha’s heart teachings. In the short speech, Rinpoche mentioned about how the great merit and opportunity that this ceremony has brought all together in the history of Taiwan Buddhist. And that all gathered are for the purpose of accomplishing two accumulations. Rinpoche expressed his heartfelt gratitude to everyone for this grand ceremony.

May Buddha Dharma reach the highest of all for all sentient beings