Happy Losar

Dear Friends, I wish a Very Happy Losar to you all.

As the Fire Female Bird year comes to an end, I wish that any negativity or difficulty you may have experienced also ends and that the New Earth Male Dog year bring good health, peace, success, prosperity and all that you desire.

With each passing year, we experience various challenges in different walks of life, which help us not only to grow a year older but to also become a year wiser. We slowly develop the wisdom to understand that all things are impermanent; impermanence of life where we lost our loved ones, impermanence of jobs where we lost our jobs or where promoted, impermanence of our relationships either by break-ups or finding new partners and impermanence of success or prosperity, etc. These all indicates that things do not remain the same as each New Year passes, but instead bring different changes and challenges as well.

However, we know for sure that as one grows older each year, we strive to do better. We gain new hopes for the betterment of oneself and for others-to get better in our daily lives or better in our Dharma practices.

Yes, each year we grow older. We’ve learned that time is not going to wait for us to be wiser. A new year is the indication that we have lived one more year and are now looking forward to another year which incidentally is also bringing us a step closer to death. So my friends, I hope that each passing year allows us to grow wiser and kinder in thoughts, speech and actions.

My Dear Friends,

I pray that this New Year brings you more successful results than last year,

Wishing very good health, peace, kindness and prosperity to you all.

Most sincerely in Dharma,

9th Minling Khenchen Rinpoche.

15th February 2018.