Ngagyur Tholob Dogyued Lekshedling, An Institute of Buddhist Studies and Research popularly known as Ngagyur Nyingma College observes 27th Foundation Day.

The event began in presence of all Khenpo’s, Lopon’s and students of NNC with the recitation of verse of auspicious prayers, followed by speech from the Chairman of the college, Venerable Khenpo Thubten Tharchin. He said, “it’s important to mark this day as important for us to remember the gratitudes of our Rinpoche’s who painstakingly work hard to make everything possible for monks to study Buddha Dharma. It’s a day we should re promise our own self to dedicate our time in hearing, contemplating and meditating of Dharma all the time. It’s the day we must remember the successive Lineage of the tradition from Terchen Gyurmey Dorji, the dharma King to this day for the continues guidance and blessing”

An hour long ceremony was ended with speech from Disciplinarian, Dephuk Trulku Jangchub Rigzin about importance of Discipline in Shedra and its purposes and vote of thanks speech by Lopon Sangye Dorji.

The event was kindly joined by Ven. Lama Tenchyab and many other senior monks.