3rd day of Losar

18th of Feb, 2018 corresponding to 3rd day of Losar is the most important day for the Mindrolling Sangha and Devotees since it’s the day when HIs Holiness the 11th Minlling Tri Rinpoch attained Maha Pari Nirvana.

Keeping in mind the importance of the day, the administration of Ngagyur Nyingma College has chosen the day as 4th enthronement ceremony of Khenpos (Professor).

15 Lopons were newly enthroned as Khenpo and confrered the certificate of professor. Two trulkus and thirteen lopons will now serve as Khenpos in various monasteries Mindrolling in particular.

The program began at 5am with TSEDRUP YANGNYING KUNDUE sadhana in presence of HE Minlling Khenchen Rinpoche. At 8 pm, with the arrival of HE Kyabje Khochhen Rinpoche and Jetsunma Khandro Rnpoche, the special guests and Sangha, issuing of certificates of Sutra and Tantra for the Shedra student began followed by awarding certificates to the Khenpos and escorting them on the throne.

May Buddha Dharma benefit all sentient beings.