Gutor/Shinjey Drekjom. The Great Yamantaka Sadhana

Mindroing in India has never failed in upholding its tradition of carrying out all Drupchens (Great Accomplishment Ceremonies) just as in Great Mindroing in Tibet. Gutor/Shinjey is one of them. It is always carried out at the supper end of the year and the Idyllic Yamantaka furies Mask (ZOR) will be burned on 29 th of 12 th . It is indeed the annual ritual to help our negative KARMA and all related bad omens burns before the start of New Year (LOSAR). The present on-going Gutor/Shinjey Sandhana is presided over by His Eminence Tulku Pema Namgyal Rinpoche as (Dorji Lopon) Vajracharya and Tulku Ngawang Jigdrel Kunga, our unsurpassable Chant Master (Umze) and other ven. Tulkus and monks.

The seven days long ceremony started its preliminary preparations from 15/02/2017 and the real puja began from 19/02/2017 corresponding to 23rf of 12 th month of Fire Monkey year. Never think that your small virtuous actions are useless, Many drops of water will make a mighty ocean. Never think your small negative action will not be effective, Even a tiny spark of fire will burn huge mountain. It would be difficult for individuals to perform such a great Sadhanas but if we offer our mind, body and speech whole-heartedly, there is no doubt that we benefit with the same advantages as it is said that when we rejoice on others good merit with pure heart, we share the same merit. Not only that, if one participate in such accomplishment physically, financially or by any means, you all are most Well-Come!