27th Annual Exam For Ngagyur Nyingma College

Monks in Shedra writes their annual examinations from 10th of 11th month of moon calendar each year. This year it corresponded from 07/01/2017 till 19/01/2017. Students from 1st year to 4th year have 4 subjects each to write and student from 5th year to 9th has 5 subjects to write. It was of grand success this year due to the effort made by two Exam Coordinators, Lopon Sonam Rabten and Lopon Shedrupa and unfailing support from the administration (Ven. Khenpo Wangchen Dendup, Lopon Sonam Darjey, Lopon Ngawang Thekchok & Yeshi Wangchuk.) Students were blessed by the visit of His Eminence for several times during the course of Exam.