H.E. Minling Khenchen Rinpoche gave the oral trasmission of Tri Yeshe Lama

H.E. Minling Khenchen Rinpoche gave the oral trasmission of Tri Yeshe Lama to the sangha of Mindrolling. The transmission was held in the shrine hall of Ngagyur Nyingma college. The text is one of the most important cycle of teachings of Terton Jigme Lingpa (1730-1798). He was a tertön of the Nyingma lineage of Tibetan Buddhism and was the promulgator of the Longchen Nyingthik, the Heart Essence teachings of Longchenpa, from whom, according to tradition, he received a vision in which the teachings were revealed. The Longchen Nyingthik eventually became the most famous and widely practiced cycle of Dzogchen teachings.

Tri Yeshe Lama is the most important practice manual on the Great Perfection teachings of the Nyingma tradition. The teachings and practices taught in Yeshe Lama encompass the innermost cycle of upadesha teachings and clearly define the Dzogchen practices of trekchö, cutting through to original purity, and tögal, crossing over with spontaneous presence. These are the swift practices that can lead to the attainment of the rainbow body and the complete attainment of buddhahood, and this is the same path that has been followed by many of the great spiritual Masters of India and Tibet. Consequently, if one studies and trains in the Yeshe Lama correctly and with deepest respect and diligence with a qualified Master, the possibility of enlightenment within one lifetime is within reach.