Mindrolling Celebrates Birth Day of His Holiness 12th Minling Tri-Chen, Gyurmey Kuenzang Jigmey Rinpoche

Dungsay Dalha Gyaltsen, the son of His Holiness Mindrolling Trichen and Yum Sonam-la (his mother), was born in Tibet in 1959 while His Holiness was in the Gesar retreat, so he was named Dalha Gyaltsen. When His Holiness had to flee Tibet due to the Chinese invasion, Yum Sonam-la and the young Dungsay Dalha Gyalsten were unfortunately not able to flee with His Holiness.

While growing up in Tibet, Dungsay Rinpoche studied under many qualified Teachers and his interests included Tibetan medicine. Years later, Dungsay Rinpoche traveled to Mindrolling Monastery in India and received numerous teachings and transmissions from some of the most accomplished great masters of that time. These included His Holiness Mindrolling Trichen, His Holiness Dilgo Khyenste Rinpoche, His Holiness Penor Rinpoche, His Holiness Trulshig Rinpoche and Khenpo Jigme Phuntsok. Dungsay Rinpoche resides in Tibet where he returned after studying in India for many years.

On this occasion, I join all the well wishers including Sangha of Mindroling monastery in India, Tibet and other places in praying and offering our humble wishes for Rinpoche’s long and healthy Life. May Rinpoches activities outreach all directions for all time to come and continue to bless endless sentient beings for all the time.

Happy birth day, Your Holiness.

9th Minlling Khenchen.