Appointment of 7th Nyingma Head and the Successful completion of 29th Annual Ngagyur Nyingmai Monalm Chenmo

Ten days Ngagyur Nyingmai Monlam Chenmo ended on 27th of Jan, 2018. This year is the 29th annual grand ceremony for the world peace organized by NMCIF at Bodhgaya. After the Parni Nirvana of His Holiness Kyabje Taklung Tsetrul Rinpoche the then 6th head of Nyingmapa, the broad of Nyingma Monlam Chenmo Internatonal Foundation has jointly appointed His Holiness Kyabjey Kathok Getse Gyurmey Tenpai Gyaltsen as 7th Throne Holder of Nyingmapa in exile. The decision was made at the spiritual gathering of Their Eminences of six major Monasteries and Nyingma Board of NMCIF at Bodh Gaya during the course of on-going Monlam. The board has decided that the head of Nyingma will be in rotation among the six major Monasteries, Kathok, Dzogchen, Zhechen, Minlling, Dordrak and Payul respectively for the term of three years.

On the last day, corresponding the Guru Rinpoche’s day, all the Sangha and lay followers lead by His Eminence Minlling Khenchen Rinpoche, the president of NMCIF, His Eminence Jangkhang Khentrul Rinpoche, the vice president of NMCIF, His Eminence Kyabjey Khochen Rinpoche, the General Secretary of NMCIF, His Eminence Kyabjey Ringo Trulku Rinpoche and many other of Nyingma Khenpos and Trulkus offered a Mandala to newly appointed Nyingma Head.

May the Buddha Dharma be victorious!