Mindrollng Celebrates 53rd Foundation Day

After the devastating tragidy in 1950 in Tibet, small group of assets from Mindrolling Monastery managed to fle to India which includes, the supprem jewel, master and guidaince of all times His Holiness Kyabje Minlling Thrichen Dorjichang, Gyurmey Kunzang Wangyal acompanied by His Eminence Kyabjey Khochen Rinpoche and few monks. After much struggle and taugh time, Second Akanistha, Wogmin Ogyen Mindrolling, definet garden of happiness was able to Re-eastiblish in Noble land of India as the main seat of HH minlling Thrichen rinpoche.

Later, His Eminence Minlling Khenchen Rinpoche arrived to India and thus complete mindrolling tradition as same as Mindrolling in tibet was established. Today is the day where the subjects like us to remember and recollect the gratefulness of masters and thier hardships up to present time.

It is now when we have to be proud of after 53 years that how many scholars, practitioners and buddhists had this Monastery donated to the spiritual world.

Its the time we look back to the history of how the poineers had worked to make all this happen and how our monastery’s managers and supporters have work hard to maintain the outer inner and secret of monastery’s activity beautifully.

Happy Foundation!